By Brooklyn

Category: Response Posts

Response post for Marco

I liked your definition of digital identity because if you can’t maintain a good one it can damage your reputation. I liked what you said about finding the balance between a personal and professional account, as they are both important. I never thought about how new trends can affect accounts negatively, which is why having privacy settings are so important. I agree with you that keeping consistency in your online presence helps to create a good digital identity and image. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this topic, keep up the good work!

Response post for AV

I liked your definition of digital identity! That’s cool that you have used social media for music production. Do you think you would eventually go towards the more “loud image” again later on in life with your music production account? That’s good that you are reminded to be cautious with privacy settings because regulating accounts and keeping personal and professional accounts separate is important. You mentioned you find it difficult to separate your two digital identities, do you have any plans on how to keep them separate? Something that might be helpful is having a Facebook account only for personal use and a different app like Instagram specifically for professional use. I enjoyed reading your post keep up the good work!

Response post for Jayden!

Your blog post looks great! I agree with you about how you post yourself on Facebook because I have a Facebook account too and I am conscious of what I post since anyone can see what I am doing. I enjoyed looking at your chart comparing how digital identities can influence the use of social media on certain platforms. I agree that there are different platforms to be used more for certain things like personal versus professional use. Tiktok and Instagram are both good platforms for personal use, however, I can see them being just as good for professional use if they are used correctly. I liked the video you found on personal versus professional accounts, as it makes a good point that if you comment something on a professional account about a private matter, it might not be best. Great work!

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

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